Healthy trees and a sweet, delicious harvest are the goal as you tend your oranges throughout the year. Follow these few steps to help grow healthy orange trees.


Orange Tree

Orange Tree

Things You’ll Need:

  • Compost Makers
  • Fertilizers
  • Garden Hoses
  • Mulch
  • Orange Trees
  • Shovels

  1. Purchase an orange variety adapted to your area. For example, Washington navels grow well in California, while Valencia oranges are adapted to Arizona, Texas and Florida, as well as California.
  2. Plant the tree in a warm, sunny area where the soil drains well.
  3. Mulch to conserve water.
  4. Water the tree deeply once every 7 to 10 days in midsummer. Water less often if it rains or if the weather is cool.
  5. Fertilize every four to six weeks from February to August.
  6. Protect trees from frost if temperatures are forecast to drop below 28 degrees F.
  7. Harvest oranges when they taste sweet. Timing will vary by variety and growing area.

Article provided by: eHow Contributing Writer